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W Magazine

By Stephanie Eckardt

Though Jean-Michel Basquiat died in 1988 at 27, he's still managed to become one of the month's buzziest artists. On Tuesdaynight, one of his 1982 paintings brought in a recordbreaking $57.3 million at Christie's postwar auction, and the week before, he even took part in Frieze week with a solo opening at Nahmad Contemporary. Up until June 11th, "Words Are All We Have" features some of his wordiest and most seminal works, along with plenty of deeper cuts – some paintings were last shown in the U.S. in 1983, or never at all. He even happens to be on-trend with canvases covered in messages: nods to Moses and Leonardo da Vinci, groceries like Oreos and sweet potatoes, and the trademark crown that's since earned its spot in the tattoo hall of fame. Catch up with some afternoon reading, here.